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    Colouring Chocolate

                     White chocolate coloured different shades of pink

    Update: Since writing this posting Americolor products are more freely available in Australia. For a full range of colours including sheens for your spray gun Baking Pleasures  or Cakes around Town

    Pink chocolate, Magenta chocolate, Purple, Blue, Terracotta, Mauve or even Black chocolate it's possible thanks to Americolor's Flo-Coat. A liquid lecithin that acts as an emulsifier to stop chocolate from seizing when you add a liquid.

    In the past I have used powder colours to colour white chocolate, however they do come in a limited colour range and can alter the texture of the chocolate.

    I'm loving using Flo-Coat, at a ratio of five parts Flo-Coat to one part gel paste colour, you can turn white eating chocolate or white compound chocolate into any of the 40 colours in the Americolor's Soft Gel Paste range. 

    Cons; for Australian's... I can't get Flo-Coat here! I'm buying from the US. If anyone knows of a stockist here I'd love to know! 

    Pros; So many uses for coloured chocolate decorations; to match wedding colours, party & decorating themes or even sporting clubs team colours.

    Available from Cake Decorating Suppliers & Confectionary Suppliers US, I got mine from Bakers Nook

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    Reader Comments (5)

    THAT is awesome! My husband *just* made the trip the the bakery supply store across town for me TODAY! Wish I would have seen this sooner!!!

    March 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbridget {bake at 350}

    Thank you :) I hope you do get to make some soon... lots of fun!

    March 6, 2010 | Registered CommenterThe Lone Baker

    Hi, I am just getting into baking, thanks to Cupcake Wars and DC Cupcakes on TV. I was going to try and color white chocolate with gel paste, and now I know it won't work. Do you use both flo-coat and gel paste? Why do you need both?

    Love all your ideas!!!

    Also, what kind of frosting is on the cupcakes with the curled chocolate?

    March 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

    Hi Stephanie, oh we don't get Cupcake Wars and DC Cupcakes here... wish we did!

    Yes, you use flo-coat along with the standard cake decorating gel paste colours. The flo-coat stops the chocolate from seizing (becoming a solid grainy mass) when you add the colour gel.

    You could just buy candy/chocolate specific gel colours... they are oil based and won't seize your chocolate. Americolor makes a range of candy colouring now that is very good.

    Or use powdered chocolate colours... though you get a superior colour result if you first dissolve the powder colour in a little melted cocoa butter before adding to your melted chocolate.

    Hope this helps. Thanks for stopping by :)


    PS frosting on the chocolate curls cupcakes is Martha Stewart's Swiss Meringue Butter Cream

    March 17, 2011 | Registered CommenterThe Lone Baker

    Where we can get this in Middle east /UAE


    February 19, 2014 | Unregistered Commentersanjay nayak

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