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    Entries in "microwave starburst" (1)


    Fruit Chews

                   fruit chew lollipop cupcake pick

    I'm not known for taking baking shortcuts, but I do have a couple of cheats up my sleeve. Today is one of those "cheats", using softened fruit chews in cake & cookie decorating.

    When you only need a small amount of taffy, a fruit chew or chewable caramel does the job and can be used for a multitude of cake decorating uses.

    Starburst fruit chews

    Place one unwrapped fruit chew on a microwave safe plate and microwave on low for approximately 10 seconds. The softened fruit chew can now be shaped, rolled & cut.

    If you have the book Hello Cupcake! you know these 'puppy tongues' for your puppy cupcakes are made with pink starburst

    You can colour the fruit chews by adding a drop of food colour paste and kneading it though, leave it to dry for minute or two before using. 

    pink Starburst fruit chew coloured red & rolled out ready for cutting

    to make a fruit chew lollipop roll a warmed fruit chew into a snake 

    repeat with the next colour, wind together, warm an extra small piece of fruit chew and attach 'lollipop stick', I used a toothpick.

    Whether your need love hearts, flowers, a whole lot of worms or puppy tongues for a cupcake decoration, try fruit chews and have fun!

    Also see Fruit Chews part 2

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