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    Entries in pumpkin eater origin" (1)


    Pumpkin Man Cupcake

    pumpkin man cupcake pick, mini pumpkin cupcake with swiss meringue butter cream frosting

    Peter Peter pumpkin Eater

    Had a wife but couldn't keep her;

    He put her in a pumpkin shell

    And there he kept her very well.

    As a child I never liked this rhyme, creepy Peter putting his wife in a pumpkin shell. As an adult it came as little surprise when I found out the rhyme possibly has murderous origins. 

    The first appearance of 'Peter Peter the pumpkin eater' was in the American Mother Goose, however from Europe we have Eeper Weeper a rhyme/song about a chimney sweep who murdered his wife and shoved her up a chimney. 

    Eeeper Weeper,

    Had a wife and couldn't keep her.

    Had another, didn't love her,

    Up the chimbley he did shove her.

    We can go back further to an earlier rhyme, where yet again we see the demise of the "wife". 

    Peter, my neeper,

    Had a wife,

    And he couidna' keep her,

    He pat i' the wa',

    And lat a' thet mice eat her.

    Whether kept in a pumpkin shell, shoved up a chimney or the mice having a nibble it's a suitably creepy Halloween conversation ;)

    Now on to cupcake picks, I've spoken before about my love of German dresden's and paper scraps, I just love the old world charm of these bits and pieces. My latest dresden the 'pumpkin man' is die cut and embossed on thin shiny card, these little oddities quickly become cupcake picks with the addition of a coloured toothpick.

    attach a toothpick with sticky tape or non-toxic glue 

    I purchased my pumpkin men from SilverCrow Creations a fun online store that carry a large range of dresden's and paper charms. 

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