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    Along came a Spider and this time not a cupcake!

    White tail spider the most likely candidate

    Along came a spider that decided to set up home in my slipper whilst I slept, the next morning we both got a surprise when I put my foot in the slipper!

    This happened 5 days ago, did I listen to family & friends and go to a doctor... of course not ;-) I waited until an infection spread from my foot up my leg, because even I will make my way to a doctor when a body part changes colour.

    I liked the way everyone was so disappointed I didn't/couldn't identify what type of spider it was. Each time I explained "I stood on it, it was squashed, mashed, pulverised and just plain destroyed", always met with "oh you're supposed to know what kind it was", "not even a leg left?", "that makes it harder" followed by a sigh as if I had let them down.

    Shake; I also got the following question a lot "Didn't you shake your slipper before putting it on?" (well, obviously not!) as if everyone in Australia is shaking there footwear before they put it on.

    The doctor spoke about IV's and hospital last night, but eventually settled upon me promising not to stand for two days, elevate my foot, take mega doses of anti biotic capsules every few hours and it should be a lot better in three days. I don't know about you, about the whole "blood poisoning" risk did cut down my desire to bake.

    So, I'll be back baking in a couple of days, but for now it's laying flat out, foot in the air, with two pugs and a laptop vying for a position on my stomach.

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