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    Green Shoe = Black Cupcake

    green food colour splattered shoe and blackened burnt cupcake

    Yikes, when I have a bad baking day I really go all out!! It started well enough, I had a casserole simmering on the stove top for tonight's dinner and was feeling super organised when I dropped a full large bottle of mint green americolor soft gel paste... lid fully off of course. I dropped it from a height of oh, I'd say "four feet". If you ever wondered how far a large bottle of paste food colour can spread I'm about to tell you, manage to drop at the right angle and you can cover a 5 x 5 foot area in splatter, splashes and splooshes (ok, that's not a word but I don't care!!) and of course if you have pets (or a toddler will do) it's time for them to run in just about now.

    And so it was, two pugs with green gel paste on their paws running over the carpet, me in pursuit which of course made it worse because they just ran faster & over a greater area. 

    Buckets and rolls; many buckets of water, rolls of paper towels (ran out of paper towel and was forced to use loo paper), three bottles of cleaning products (say, that Nifti all purpose in the spray bottle is very good), two unhappy pugs and one flustered Lone Baker later it was all under control... or so I thought.

    I was thinking "okay, I'll tackle my shoes now" when I smelt smoke, ran to oven to see the chocolate brownie cakes that were to have the peppermint green filling now a smouldering burnt black.

    Grabbed a tea towel, grabbed the tray out of the oven, tea towel was wet, wet transfers heat, heat burns hand, hand drops tray. Just to round off the afternoon the tray of cakes hits the stove top where there is of course a gas jet on for the casserole, two cakes catch fire, two more are smoking; I throw water on the stove top, I do get the cakes but also catch a half a jug in splash back. Pugs run out to have and look and drink water off the floor and I go sit outside to have a nice quiet panic attack. 

    Breathing again now just in time to say... Happy Baking :)

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    Reader Comments (2)

    !!! oh when it rains it pours! laughed myself silly about the dogs! my son painted the dog in custard powder once....then tipped his water bowl over him......yellow unhappy dripping dog, white carpet...stroppy mummy, he has lived to reach the age of 26, kid not dog lol :)

    June 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren (Possgirl)

    Good grief, the food colour doesn't seem as bad as now!! ;)

    June 8, 2010 | Registered CommenterThe Lone Baker

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