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    Entries in "price of Martha Stewart Living magazine in Australia" (1)


    Martha, Martha, Martha.... Martha Stewart Living

    You may have read on my blog previously about how much "I love Martha Stewart", but there is a cost to loving Martha Stewart in Australia particularly if you want to read Martha Stewart Living magazine.

    Can you believe the cost of a 12 month subscription in Oz... $245.00!!

    If I lived in the US and could buy it through Amazon the same 12 month subscription $28.00!!

    Current exchange rate of the Australian dollar doesn't explain it.

    Borders Australia sells individual copies somewhere between $17 and $21.95 depending on how our dollar is trading. If I want to wait a month I can get Canadian copies of Martha Stewart Living for around $15 each. 

    *Sigh* I only get the "occasion issues"; Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving & Halloween but I do love my Martha and treasure every copy.