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    Entries in "tool time" (2)


    Tool Time

    Tool Time the kitchen tools and gadgets I love

               I can't do without my Cuisinart digital kitchen scales.

    Love baking? Then it's well worth investing in a set of digital kitchen scales, I use my Cuisinart Perfect Weight Kitchen Scales on a daily basis. The scales measure in 1g increments up to 5 kg, switch to pounds and ounces with a touch of a button. Simple to operate with a flat tempered glass weighing platform and lift off stainless steel cover for easy cleaning. 

    Other great brands include the brightly coloured Mastrad Digital Kitchen Scales. They are metric only and weigh up to 2kg in 2g increments.

    Prefer a bowl scale over a flat platform? Soehnie Cuisina that produce those fabulous bathroom scales, also produce the Soehnie Cuisina 5Kg/1g Elect Bowl Scale.

    Available from good kitchenware stores. Online a range of Cuisinart, Mastrad & Soehnie are stocked by Everten in Australia. Elsewhere, Cuisinart is available on Amazon.



    Tool Time

    Creme brulee, with pistachio tuile biscuits.

    Tool time the kitchen tools and gadgets I love.

    The Useful and Less Useful 

    650°F (340°C) heat and stain resistant silicone. Flexible work-ends protect non-stick cookware. 

    I've used this double ended silicone spatula by Chef'n day in day out for two years. Still good as new, this spatula is bend-able enough to get into every corner but is still strong enough to turn a heavy batter. The most useful kitchen tool I own! Available in kitchenware supply stores.

    Okay some might consider an egg topper "useless", I like to think of it as "less useful". I do find it amusing. Position bowl of top of raw egg, lift the plunger and release, gently lift cut top off.  There you have it, an egg vessel ready to be cleaned and used for mousses, brulee or even candy dishes at easter.

    Egg Topper from The Red Spoon Company