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    Entries in "Winnie the Pooh" (1)


    New Toys!!

    I received these super sweet Disney biscuit (cookie) cutters from a super sweet friend in Singapore :)

    Quick post today to show you my new cutters. Love my "new toys". These nostalgic stamp cutters evoke childhood memories of animal crackers and plain stamped biscuits. Look out for them if you are travelling to Tokyo, Singapore or Hong Kong where plain biscuits are still quite popular. Make the biscuits with home made sugar cookie dough and they're delicious too!

    Sugar cookie dough with reduced baking powder is cut & stamped ready for baking.

    Small stamped biscuits/cookies make great cupcake toppers, can be flavoured with spices, honey, cocoa or move away from "plain" and dip in melted chocolate or sandwich two cookies together with ganache or creamy frosting.  

    Happy Baking :)