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    Entries in "disney vampire bats" (1)


    Hi Adelayde, I owe you a cupcake!!

    vampire mice attempt 4

    My step sons girlfriend Adelayde is over from Western Australia along with her Mum. They were all going to Jamie Oliver's 15 restaurant last night, off tonight to see Celtic Women in concert and attending the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday.

    I thought it would nice to make Halloween cakes especially for Daniel and Adelayde and tossed up between a true blood type theme or cute; cute won.

    First I made the fondant Mickey and Minnie with the help of Disney cutters, a heart cutter to make the wings & added fangs. My idea was to make chocolate vampire pops so I attempted to "cocoa mould" with fondant Mickey and Minnie vampire bats. This didn't work as the fondant shapes weren't heavy enough to make an imprint. Idea two was another attempt to make a mould by pressing a bat into pate sucree; the whole thing dissolved.

    remaining head from the cocoa mould attempt 

    Idea three became grandiose with marbled bats and columns, I was thinking wouldn't Mickey and Minnie be great as the statues on either side of a spooky gate and I could include a love heart in the gate. Weather came into play yesterday, hot day and a hot house led to drooping sagging modelling paste. 

    the last remaining marbled wing from the drooping modelling paste bat

    Woke up this morning with idea four [*insert crying between idea three and four] white billowy frosting with a marbling of dark blue and purple, dark bats and the moon behind them with a love heart cloud in front of it. Yep, yep, yep, finished the bats and took out a small brush just about to add shimmer details when I looked down at them and decided "I don't think I like this" and that was that.

    Sooooo, "I owe Adelayde a cupcake!!

    Adelayde and Linda I hope you're having a lovely time in Melbourne :)