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    Entries in "MasterChef molecular gastronomy" (1)


    Hard to bake cupcakes with Pleurisy! 

            Lol, it's hard to bake cupcakes when you have pleurisy! 

    Mark was so happy to hear I have pleurisy he starting shaking the doctors hand... I was expecting high fives any second, they both looked so pleased with themselves.
    For 6 weeks I've been getting tested and have been prescribed everything, including anti inflammatories right the way through to hormones. Suspected heart problems, were superseded by looking for cancers. I changed doctors a few times and it was the third doctor (recommended by Dan's Mum... thanks Debbie!) that found the pleurisy.
    I should be back if not baking, at least with cupcake paraphernalia postings in 3 to 4 days. I am curled up with an old fashioned note pad and pen right now planning cupcakes, waiting to return!
    In the meantime a few past postings you might have missed;
    try your hand a molecular gastronomy

    If you were watching MasterChef last night it was molecular gastronomy night & they had trouble making spheres. If you'd like to give it a try and make yourself fruit caviar/pearls see "Weird Science"
    fruit curds

    Whether you're in chilly winter at the moment or perhaps you are sunning yourself on a glorious summer's day...whatever the season, why not whip up a batch of fruit curd/butter?  easy to do with fruits from tangelo's to raspberries. 
    caramel bite cupcakes with canned caramel

    Perhaps your more in the mood for quick Caramel Bite Cupcakes?

    ever versatile and delicious chocolate ganache

    Then again, chocolate ganache is always tempting!! 
                      Or give toffee a twirl!!! 
    Happy Baking :)