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    Entries in "uses for hardened fondant" (1)


    Grated Fondant = Sugar Snow

    grated hard fondant

    Me, who triple wraps all my fondant & modelling paste before storing, apparently hmmm, don't know what the best word would be to describe this... "forgot" ;) Yes, when I ventured back into the kitchen on the weekend I was shocked (truly I was!) I had forgotten to put the lid on my airtight container that stored my white and yellow fondant. 

    I was greeted with perfect white and yellow bricks of fondant that no amount of microwaving was going to soften. What to do?? Grab your grater of course! 

    Hardened fondant, modelling paste or royal icing grates beautifully into soft flakes. Grate, let dry and store in small air tight jars or zip lock bags until ready to use.

    Mix a little white hologram glitter into grated white fondant flakes and you have gorgeous "sugar snow".

    Yellow makes for "pollen" on flower centres, green for "grass", brown for "soil", blue for... well you get the idea! 

    Small moistened yellow fondant balls rolled in grated yellow fondant become pollenated flower centres. 

    Grated fondant can also be used to add texture, like the fur collar on yesterday's...

     'Queen's birthday cupcake'

    Happy Baking :)